Welcome to the information page. Here you will find information about the services on offer to your school by Extended Services.
Referral pathways – Family Support/ Child Counselling/Specialist Teacher in Autism
- School has a concern over a family/child
- Call/email Kim Chant to discuss if unsure
- Complete the Extended Services referral form with as much background information as possible
- Ask the parent to sign a copy
- Submit the referral to Kim Chant via email
- Depending on the complexities of the case, Kim may call the referrer for further details
- The case will be allocated to a Family Support Worker/Counsellor/Specialist Autism Teacher
- The allocated support worker will inform the school she has the case and may email/telephone for further clarification if necessary
- The support worker will make initial contact with the family (Family Support/Specialist Teacher) or the school (child counselling)
- Family Support Worker/Specialist Teacher will have an introductory meeting with the family either face to face when allowed, or via zoom/telephone call
- Child counsellor will arrange to meet the child in school at a mutually convenient time.
- Feedback to school via email or telephone call to agree on a certain number of weeks/ sessions with the family
- Feedback to school re counselling to decide on the number of sessions and when
- At least one week before support is due to finish, the support worker will contact the school to discuss the closure of the case or agree on an extension.
- Support worker will provide the school with summary notes of work
- School will receive a half-termly report for the amount of purchased time used for the support
Schools have purchased a package of support that suits the individual school, however, if you feel that you require additional hours of family support/counselling/specialist teacher or EP assessments, these can be bought at a later stage. To do so please email Kim with your requirements and this can be arranged. This will then be invoiced separately.
Any queries or advice can be sought at any time by either emailing Kim kimchant@kes.essex.sch.uk or calling the office.
Emma Rawlings - Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology support – supervision, advice and training
- SENCOs (and Head Teachers/other staff if they wish) are able to attend the half termly SENCO cluster sessions which include a training topic, a supervision session and a chance to share good practice and offer each other support (currently offering a monthly 1.5-hour virtual session)
Educational Psychologist support – consultations
- School will email Emma Rawlings and cc Kim Chant to ask for a mutually suitable time for a virtual meeting or telephone call. If a student is to be named during the consultation the school will need to let the parent know their child is being discussed (share the information about consultations with parents if needed).
- Emma will be available on a weekly basis for consultations but, depending on demand and when in the week you make contact, you may have to wait until the following week for a session.
- It may be that an assessment session is needed or a further consultation at a later stage.
- Emma will make a record of the conversation and send a copy to the school.
Educational Psychology Assessment
- During the plan/do/review cycle, an EP assessment appears to be necessary, this should then be discussed with Emma at a consultation (virtual or telephone, see above) with supporting evidence as to what the school have already tried/the impact.
- During the consultation an assessment session is agreed and booked, Emma will log this with Kim Chant so that schools know how many sessions they have used/have left.
- School completes ‘Info prior to EP session’ form which must be signed by the parents/adults with PR and sent to Emma in advance of the session.
- School to use the accessible profile with students to prepare them for the visit.
- Assessment takes place, feedback/discussion with school and parents.
- EP report completed and sent to school.
Schools have purchased a package of support that suits the individual school, however, if you feel that you require additional hours of EP support or assessments, these can be bought at a later stage. To do so please email Kim with your requirements and this can be arranged. This will then be invoiced separately.
Bereavement Support
Bereavement is a normal part of life sadly. Most people get through this without the need for Specialist Bereavement Support, but it is sometimes helpful to have some additional advice and guidance.
If there has been an unexpected death of a close member of the school community, click here to go to the Essex Critical Incident Team, who will provide emergency advice.
We have put together some information that you might find helpful in the attached documents (buttons for Bereavement info for schools & Policy)
Additional 1:1 and whole school support can be provided by the Extended Services Team, as a planned intervention or as crisis support. Both our Counsellors trained in Bereavement settings; Michelle at Havens Hospices and Christina at CRUSE.
Social Care & Family Solutions
If you’re not sure about the level of support that’s needed, you can call one of our social workers at the Children and Families Hub for a consultation:
Call: 0345 603 7627 and ask for the consultation line.
If the child is at significant risk of harm, ask for the priority line.
Jo Barclay - Safeguarding Adviser to Schools Essex County Council
Web: www.essex.gov.uk | Telephone: 03330 131078 | Mobile: 07775 030021
Email: jo.barclay@essex.gov.uk or schools.safeguarding@essex.gcsx.gov.uk
Head of Outreach Services CSS
Steve Phillips
01268 542367
07484 083863
ECC - Essex Schools InfoLink
Business Managers
LDG Business Managers Support Group is not currently meeting due to Covid-19
@ The King Edmund School
Patsy Peer is our Attendance Support Worker. She is your first point of contact for issues concerning attendance. Telephone Patsy for an informal discussion, or complete a MARF referral.
Penalty Notices: Regular Unauthorised Late Arrival at School EYFS-KS4 Attendance Officers / Headteachers
Punctuality is a valuable lifelong skill. In school, late arrival affects not only the pupil who is late but disrupts the whole class. When a pupil regularly arrives after the registers have closed, providing the criteria within the current code of conduct is met, a penalty notice may be issued as part of the schools overall strategy to improve attendance. Further information on this is available on the Essex Schools Info link. Alternatively for further information, please contact Manager MECES on 0333 013 4649.
The Education Access Team has been working on updating the referral policy for children missing their education due to their physical or mental health needs. The updated policy and referral form will shortly be available on the Essex Schools Info link.
The following link is an index to the attendance letters. Please download this initially, then find the corresponding form/s you need below:
- Attendance toolkit index to letters
- SA 1 - Below school target (1st letter)
- SA 2 - Not improved (after 1st letter)
- SA 3 - Has improved (congratulations)
- SA 4 - Failed to improve (Invite to SBM)
- SA 5 - Has improved (ASW writes to parents)
- SA 6 - Further concern (CEMES writtes letter)
- SA 7 - Punctuality a concern
- SA 8 - Punctuality follow up letter
- SA 9 - Cold call follow up (ASW letter)
- SA 10 - Legal action warning (CEMES)
- SA 11 - Holiday during term time
- SA 12 - Medical evidence required
- SA 13 - Holiday in term time without permission
- SA 14 - Failed to improve (Referral to ASW)
- SA 15 - Nusery child on holiday in term time
- SA 16 - Has improved - School will monitor
- SA 17 - Late collection from school
- SA 18 - Holiday in term time (granted by head)
- SA 19 - Beleive holiday in term time (by head)
Extra Documentation
- Referral to Rochford Extended Services for Attendance Support
- New EWS Service Provision and Criteria
- If you need to make a referral to Missing Education & Child Employment Service (formerly EWS)
- Attendance Facts & Figures
- Punctuality Handout
- Punctuality Guideline
- Home Education
- Handout - Home Education